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Johan dans les médias

Johan Floderus, 33, har suttit fängslad i Iran – i över 500 dagar - SVT Nyheter
Den svenske EU-tjänstemannen Johan Floderus, 33, har suttit fängslad i Iran i över 500 dagar. Enligt SVT:s uppgifter har Iran begärt att...

Borrell Says EU Working 'Relentlessly' For Release Of Swedish Diplomat Held In Iran -RadioFreeEurope
Josep Borrell, the European Union's top diplomat, confirmed that Johan Floderus, a Swedish diplomat working for the EU, has been captive...

EU, Stockholm say Swedish citizen being held in Iran since April 2022 - ALARABIYA
Sweden and the European Union Commission on Monday said a Swedish national is being detained in Iran - the latest known case of a foreign...
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