Free Johan Floderus - Swedish citizen & Brussels resident taken hostage in Iran since 17 April 2022
tors 01 feb.
|BOZAR - Salle M
In conversation with Olivier Vandecasteele and Bernard Phelan

Tid och plats
01 feb. 2024 17:30 – 20:00 CET
BOZAR - Salle M, Rue Ravenstein 23, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
Om evenemanget
Welcome from 17h30 - Event starts at 18h30
The #FreeJohanFloderus campaign team invites you for a talk about Johan Floderus, in support of him and other illegally detained foreign citizens in Iran. Johan has been a resident of Brussels since 2015 and on 17 April 2022 his freedom was taken away when brutally kidnapped by Iran, after visiting Swedish friends in Iran. To read more about Johan, we invite you to visit the campaign website www.freejohanfloderus.org. The event will be in English and free of charge.
Olivier Vandecasteele is a Belgian humanitarian worker who was taken hostage in Iran on 24 February 2022. After efforts by the Belgian government, he was released on 26 May 2023 after 456 days of unlawful detention. Parts of his detention were in Evin Prison, where Johan is also detained and where they spent time together.
Bernard Phelan is an Irish-French national who was taken hostage on 3 October 2022, while traveling in Iran. He was released on 12 May 2023, after 221 days of detention. He kept at Vakilabad Prison, together with French citizen Benjamin Brière who was also released in May 2023.