Johan Floderus is a Swedish citizen who lives in Brussels. He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Oxford in England and at the University of Uppsala in Sweden. In 2015 he moved to Brussels for a traineeship at the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU followed by the European Commission's Blue Book traineeship, working on development aid, in 2016. He left Brussels for one year to pursue a Master's in Development Economics at SOAS University of London. In September 2017, he rejoined the European Commission's DG for International Partnerships (DG DEVCO at the time) as International Aid/Cooperation Officer.
In December 2019, he became a political assistant in the Cabinet of the Swedish Commissioner Ylva Johansson. In September 2021, he joined the EU Delegation to Afghanistan as Programme Officer (from Brussels). On 17 April 2022 his freedom was taken away when brutally kidnapped by Iran, after visiting Swedish friends in Iran.
Johan is fond of his family, dogs and CrossFit and has great interest in history, literature and culture.

It has been far too long.
Join our efforts in the call to release Johan Floderus illegally detained in Iran. You can do so by:
Following our social media accounts, press releases and website where we’ll keep you posted on the latest
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Print a poster and put it up somewhere visible and where allowed to do so. You can download the poster here
Relaying our messages or creating your own using the hashtag #FreeJohanFloderus so we can ensure the call is loud and clear, and create movement to getting our loved one home
Speaking to your political representatives, who hold strong influence in ensuring his release